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Feminist Killjoy. Badly Behaving Bookliker. Writer and reader of all things speculative. 

Currently reading

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
Michelle Hodkin
Diablo III: Storm of Light
Nate Kenyon
Progress: 133/341 pages
William Gibson
A Taste of Blood Wine
Freda Warrington
Progress: 380/501 pages
Ancillary Justice
Ann Leckie
The Enemy (The Enemy #1)
Charlie Higson
The Night Circus
Erin Morgenstern
Ann Aguirre

Reading progress update: I've read 380 out of 501 pages.

A Taste of Blood Wine - Freda Warrington

Putting this one on hold for just a little while. I'm enjoying it more than I normally would enjoy this sort of thing, but all the vampire melodrama is not interacting well with my depression right now.